Category: 2011 Program

OCLC Update

OCLC Update

Christa Stark Weiker from OCLC will provide an update on the new WorldCat Resource Sharing program. Find out how WCRS promotes increase use of your collection and higher fulfillment rates. Christa will also unveil aspects of the future delivery services that OCLC is currently developing that will give WorldCat Resource Sharing users a simplified interface and efficient workflow for handling all types of requests.

Value of Interlibrary Loan

Value of Interlibrary Loan

Some leaders in the Library community are challenging libraries to identify the value our patrons place on our services. Most libraries can estimate what it costs, turnaround, and other library-centric perspectives. We don’t know the value our patrons place on our services. This information is critical to informing our stakeholders and partners. This applies to everyone from public libraries needing to apprise boards, community members and other local governments to academic libraries who need to inform others in the university community and legislators. In addition, this information could help inform service design. I will present some research on ways to consider doing this with the bulk of the time devoted to a facilitated discussion with the audience.

Disruptions: Managing ILL in the middle of building renovations, closed collections, weeding projects and more

Disruptions: Managing ILL in the middle of building renovations, closed collections, weeding projects and more

Sandy Hudock from CSU-Pueblo and Bethany Sewall from the University of Denver will discuss how they have continued to provide ILL service while in the midst of major construction projects. They will discuss lots of practical issues like delivering items to patrons and accepting requests from other libraries when the library is closed for an indefinite period of time. Hear about lessons learned, tips from their experiences, and how to survive major renovations without major chaos.

Tempests on the Copyright Horizon

Tempests on the Copyright Horizon

Explore how the fast pace of new technologies is forcing the reinterpretation of decades-old copyright rules and licensing standards. The surging electronic books market and mass digitization are two key areas where librarians are striving to reconcile existing models of service with new means of delivery. Smith will explore what this means for libraries and their approaches to new technologies and interlibrary loan.


Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Difficult ILL Borrowing Requests: Using A Working Group and a Wiki for Knowledge Sharing

Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Difficult ILL Borrowing Requests: Using A Working Group and a Wiki for Knowledge Sharing

Dana Von Berg from the University of Arizona, Main Library will give a presentation based on an article she published in the Journal of ILL, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserves. The presentation will focus on how the University of Arizona’s “ILL Difficult Borrowing Group” operates and how information is shared among the group. She will also discuss how the wiki they created works and how content can be added and modified to it.

The Waters around You Have Grown: Small Libraries Transformed by Union Catalogs

The Waters around You Have Grown: Small Libraries Transformed by Union Catalogs

Imagine being in a small raft on the Colorado River during spring runoff! The water’s rising, you’re moving faster, enjoying the scenery and the spray. But here comes the first of many sets of rapids. How will you negotiate the turbulent waters and come out stronger on the other side? Take that scene and think about what a small or medium sized library faces when they become part of a Union Catalog. So much more is available to their patrons, but how will staff handle the increased volume? Does it change the way you do collection development, process ILL requests, does library use change? Jim Minges – Northeast Kansas Library System, Gene Ann Trant – Wellington Public Library in Colorado, and Mindy White – Colorado Mountain College, Glenwood share their experiences of what it’s like for smaller libraries to enter the world of resource sharing through the Union Catalog.

Demystifying Copyright in the Digital Age

Demystifying Copyright in the Digital Age

Kevin Smith, Scholarly Communications officer from Duke University is back this year by popular demand to  engage us in another lively discussion about copyright.  We have also invited  Mike Seeley, Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel at Elsevier publishing, to get a publisher perspective on copyright.