Jimmy Thomas
Jimmy Thomas earned a BA in 1976 from Oberlin College (OH), and an MLS in 1978 from the University of Pittsburgh (PA). He worked 10 years at OCLC (OH) as developer, systems analyst, and development manager. From 1989-1992 he worked for Unisys Corporation (PA & GA) as a systems analyst then customer support manager.
CARL Corporation (CO) employed Mr Thomas from 1992-2000 as Circulation Team Leader, Manager of Product Support, Project Manager, and Singapore Project Director. The Library Corporation (TLC) purchased CARL in 2000, and he continued representing CARL•Solution, then Library•Solution from 2001-2003. As Director of Strategic Products (2004-2007), Mr Thomas worked with business partners to integrate components in TLC solutions. One strategic product, AquaBrowser, led him to work for Medialab, a Dutch company, when it was purchased by Bowker in 2007.
In 2009 Mr Thomas became Executive Director of the Marmot Library Network, which hosts an integrated library system, maintains a union catalog of 1.4m titles, and provides related services for public, academic, and school libraries in Colorado. Mr Thomas was honored as a “Colorado Librarian of the Year” in 2011 by the Colorado Association of Libraries.