I am a native of Ponca City, Oklahoma. After graduation from Ponca City High School, I attended Oklahoma State University, graduating with a degree in Elementary Education. I also have a Masters in Library Science from Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. After an odyssey that started in Oklahoma and went to Texas, Mississippi, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, I came home to Colorado and a job that I love. I am now the director of the Wellington Public Library, in Wellington, Colorado. I have had a varied career working in libraries. I worked for the Poudre School System in Fort Collins, Colorado for ten years. Five of those years were spent as a media assistant at two different high schools. I then spent four years working in Iola, Kansas, for the Iola Public Library and the Southeast Kansas Library System. I have served on the ASCC (Automation System Colorado Consortium) Board and am on the AspenCat Cataloging Committee.