2024 Presenters
Keynote: Publishers Playbook
Kyle Courtney

Kyle Courtney is an internationally recognized speaker on the topic of copyright, technology, libraries, and the law. He holds a J.D. with distinction in Intellectual Property Law and an MSLIS. His writing has appeared in Politico, The Hill, Law Library Journal, and other publications.
Juliya Ziskina

Juliya Ziskina is an attorney in New York and a Policy Fellow with the eBook Study Group, a coalition promoting equitable terms and fair pricing for library ebooks. She also works closely, and was previously a Policy Fellow with Library Futures, where she co-authored policy papers on model ebook state legislation and library digital ownership. As a law student at the University of Washington, she co-founded and led a successful initiative for an institutional open-access policy at UW.
Becky Bernal
Resource Sharing Coordinator, Colorado Mesa University
Becky has led Resource Sharing at CMU for nearly 20 years, and started at CMU in cataloging and has worked here as a student worker as well. She has been through an ILS system migration and part of 3 ILL system management migrations as of this summer when CMU undertook a transition from ILLiad to Tipasa. She has trained many staff, colleagues, and student workers in ILL processes and procedures over the years, as well as strategized many troubleshooting needs. Additionally, she focuses intensely on customer service from a variety of angles and has a strong detail-orientation that often catches small things that speak to bigger issues—these mindsets and skills inform much of her work.

Adam Bickford
Data Analysis and Outreach, Colorado State Demography Office
I am an experienced data analyst and consultant focused on helping people find solutions using data.
My past work includes online tool development with an emphasis on data clarity, accessibility, and transparency.
My projects focus on making data and information accessible. I actively pursue challenges and interesting work. I apply my skills to illuminate and understand the policy options organizations face.
Between 2019 and 2020, I led the State Demography Office’s 2020 Census outreach program and worked with libraries and community groups throughout Colorado.

Charissa Brammer
Director, Library Research Service-Colorado State Library
Charissa is the Director of the Library Research Service, where she and her team help to gather, analyze, and use library statistics.

Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic
Head of Access Services & Outreach, Colorado Mesa University
Laureen has worked in academic libraries within public services contexts since 2009 when she interned at UPenn during library school. Until 2019, her career mainly focused on reference and instruction contexts, but shifted into covering access services and outreach with her promotion to her current role at Colorado Mesa. In addition to her MSLIS, she’s working on a PhD in Information Science through the University at Buffalo. She enjoys creative thinking, troubleshooting, problem solving, and collaborative initiatives–which is why she sort of, kind of enjoyed the system migration process this summer.

Sarah Daniels
Librarian, Aims Community College
I am an academic librarian at Aims Community College in Greeley, CO. I have worked at Aims for about a year and a half, but I have been in this field for five years. When I am not working, you can find me reading, drinking coffee, and spending time with my husband and two children.
Matthew Diven
External Resources Coordinator, Colorado State University
Matt started his Interlibrary Loan career at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences library as a misguided student employee. Through a series of misadventures he crashed into the Interlibrary Loan department at Colorado State University as a borrowing employee. With his bad luck continuing, Matt was shortly promoted to Lending Supervisor (now External Resources Coordinator); position he has done for the last 14 years. Despite his best efforts, Matt will graduate with an MLIS from the University of Iowa in May of 2024.

Jon Frederick,
AspenCat Consultant, CLiC
Jon has dedicated over eight years to Colorado libraries, serving in various roles across five different library systems. He is currently the AspenCat Consultant for the Colorado Library Consortium, specializing in integrated library systems. Jon is passionate about open-source software and its role in promoting the freedom of information.

Sebastian Hammer
Co-Founder & President, Index Data
Sebastian Hammer is the co-founder of Index Data, a company specializing in collaborative software development projects, open-source software, and library services. Index Data is a lead developer and service provider in the ReShare community, and Sebastian has worked on resource-sharing technologies for well over 30 years. He has also been involved in the NISO interoperable CDL platform initiative and the CDL Implementor’s community (CDLI).
Marc Hoffeditz
Resource Sharing Program Manager, Boston Library Consortium
Marc Hoffeditz (he/him) serves as the inaugural Resource Sharing Program Manager for the Boston Library Consortium. In this role, he leads the BLC’s resource sharing program portfolio and strategizes about the future of resource sharing for libraries and consortia. Recent projects include a series of E-Book ILL Roadmaps intended to demystify the process and promote broader consortial implementation and the creation of a CDL toolkit for consortia and libraries funded by IMLS. He is currently finishing his Masters of Library and Information Science at San José State University, where he serves as Managing Editor of the Student Research Journal.

Jennifer Hoffman
Manager of Books & Borrowing, Denver Public Library
A fourth generation Coloradoan, Jennifer Hoffman manages circulating services at Denver Public Library, promoting access to information and resources for all library users and serves as chair of the Prospector Resource Sharing Committee.

Jamie LaRue
Executive Director, Garfield County Public Library District
LaRue is the director of the Garfield County (Colorado) Public Library District. Author of “The New Inquisition: Understanding and Managing Intellectual Freedom Challenges,” (2007) and “On Censorship: A Public Librarian Examines Cancel Culture in the US,” (2023) LaRue has been a public library director for many years, as well as a weekly newspaper columnist and cable TV host. From January of 2016 to November of 2018, he was director of the Freedom to Read Foundation, and ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. He has written, spoken, and consulted extensively on intellectual freedom issues, leadership and organizational development, community engagement, and the future of libraries.

Joanne McIntyre
Resource Sharing Librarian, University of Colorado Boulder
Joanne McIntyre is currently the Resource Sharing Librarian at the University of Colorado Boulder. Joanne has been in libraries for 25 years. Her library journey began in the EPA Region 2 Library, where she gained valuable reference and cataloging experience. Joanne soon found that interlibrary loan is the nexus between reference and cataloging. She has been working in ILL since, managing ILL at Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine and now at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Alena Miller
Product Manager, Resource Sharing, OCLC
Alena joined OCLC in March 2015 and spends much of her time talking with members, observing ILL staff doing their work, and gathering feedback for the product and development teams. She produces release notes, assists with marketing materials, and coordinates the Tipasa community leaders group. With BS degrees in chemistry and business, she was previously employed by the American Chemical Society with roles that evolved from writing and editing technical content to managing communications staff to developing and managing software products. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, walking, and traveling to new places.

Adam Murray
Executive Director, Marmot Library Network
Adam has served as the Executive Director of Marmot since July 2018. Prior to that, he served as Dean of University Libraries at two universities, beginning in October 2007.

Rose Nelson
Assistant Director, CO Alliance of Research Libraries
Rose has worked at the Alliance since 2005. She started out as a Systems Librarian and was appointed Assistant Director in 2012. Rose manages Prospector and coordinates the Document Delivery and Catalog Reference meetings. She also is project manager of Gold Rush. Contact her regarding questions about Prospector or Gold Rush. Rose received her MLIS from Emporia State University.

Jenny Rosenfeld
Product Analyst, Delivery Services, Global Product Management, OCLC
Jenny was born a librarian. Her mother was a librarian and she was raised with a great sense of curiosity. Jenny first set foot inside OCLC as a teenager, tagging along with her mom on a tour. It was a sign of how her life would unfold. Jenny majored in Psychology at Kenyon College (and later dropped out of a grad program in Developmental Psychology), but it was her curiosity and great sleuthing skills that led her to librarianship.
She earned her MLIS from San Jose State University and began her career as a Systems Librarian at Woodbury University in Burbank, CA, US. At Woodbury, she was introduced to the world of interlibrary loan (ILL) and immediately found her calling. Jenny established the ILL program at Woodbury. After ten years there, she moved to Dublin, Ohio, US, in January 2015 to begin her work at OCLC on the implementation team. She was energized in that role helping libraries reach success with hosted EZproxy, WorldCat Navigator, and Tipasa. This year, she joined the Resource Sharing team, where she is passionate about enhancing OCLC’s ILL products to meet and exceed the expectations of libraries worldwide.Senior Product Manager, OCLC Resource Sharing

Christa Starck
Senior Product Manager, OCLC Resource Sharing
After years of ignoring her mother’s advice to go to library school, Christa enrolled at the University of Iowa’s School of Library and Information Science without telling anyone. After graduating she worked at the Gail Borden Public and Palatine Public Libraries for a few years before moving to western Michigan and Aquinas College. Even before coming to Columbus in 2000 she knew she wanted to work for OCLC, whose mission was very much like her own–helping libraries share!

Erika Westhoff
Checkout & Reserves Coordinator and Interlibrary Loan Assistant
Colorado Mesa University
Erika worked in interlibrary loan at a public library while in high school, and as a student worker at her college library while an undergraduate student. After deciding to pursue an MLIS, she pursued a position at CMU and is currently a Checkout & Reserves Coordinator and Interlibrary Loan Assistant. She’s currently a Master’s student online with the University of Alberta while in her position at CMU. She loves creating training materials (“SOPs” in Erika-speak) and maintaining a high level of efficiency and consistency with our services. As a newer staff member also heavily involved in our migration from ILLiad to Tipasa this summer, her fresh eyes on both systems has been useful for us and she also did a lot of legwork reaching out with our questions to the broader ILL community before, during, and since the implementation process.