Day: April 29, 2011

Value of Interlibrary Loan

Value of Interlibrary Loan

Some leaders in the Library community are challenging libraries to identify the value our patrons place on our services. Most libraries can estimate what it costs, turnaround, and other library-centric perspectives. We don’t know the value our patrons place on our services. This information is critical to informing our stakeholders and partners. This applies to everyone from public libraries needing to apprise boards, community members and other local governments to academic libraries who need to inform others in the university community and legislators. In addition, this information could help inform service design. I will present some research on ways to consider doing this with the bulk of the time devoted to a facilitated discussion with the audience.

Disruptions: Managing ILL in the middle of building renovations, closed collections, weeding projects and more

Disruptions: Managing ILL in the middle of building renovations, closed collections, weeding projects and more

Sandy Hudock from CSU-Pueblo and Bethany Sewall from the University of Denver will discuss how they have continued to provide ILL service while in the midst of major construction projects. They will discuss lots of practical issues like delivering items to patrons and accepting requests from other libraries when the library is closed for an indefinite period of time. Hear about lessons learned, tips from their experiences, and how to survive major renovations without major chaos.